One day, Bill went
fishing with his dad. They brought along an inflatable, yellow, rubber raft with them. They expected they could have a big dinner and Mom already prepared
a recipe to cook the fish. They felt
excited because they imagined having a rich harvest of fish.
With all the
preparation, they jumped into the boat and sailed away from the shore. They
started fishing. Dad and Bill worked
well. Dad put the bait into the fishhook
and whenever Bill got a fish, he removed it from the hook. Soon, they got a
full bucket of fishes.
Suddenly, Bill felt
something very heavy and he was not strong enough to pull the fishing pole. So,
he passed it to Dad. Dad pulled it with full strength and unfortunately, the
fishhook bounced back and cut the rubber boat. Immediately, the boat deflated
and sank slowly. They were scared because they thought they were at the middle
of the sea. They yelled for help nervously.
While they were
struggling, Dad found that his feet could touch the sandy ground. He held his
son with his arms. They were relieved because it was safe. However, the whole
bucket fell into the sea and all the fishes swam away.