Suddenly, she heard a voice saying, “This happens because you
always treat people badly. So, you should be punished!”
“Who are you?” Ophelia screamed nervously.
“I’m the genie from the Story of Aladdin,” replied the strange
Ophelia was now in the position of her servant and she understood clearly
how rude she was before. She regretted deeply for what she had done.
“Sorry, please forgive me and help me to return to my original
life. I promise that I’ll be a nice and polite girl in the future,” begged
“Okay! Close your eyes and turn around for ten times. Then, lie
down on the floor with your head facing downward,” commanded the genie.
Ophelia did exactly as what the genie said and as soon as she lay
down, her body rose up into the air and suddenly, she fell down accurately on her
bed. She was glad to see that she became
‘Ophelia’ again and she kept her promise forever.